Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Role of Proper Circulation

The matrix needs a good blood supply in order to do its job. Arteries carry nutrients to tiny capillaries in the matrix. Capillaries are like long, one-way streets. They wind through tissue carrying blood. The matrix has two types of capillaries. One type delivers oxygen, and important nutrients to matrix cells. The other drains waste products and other contaminant’s away from the matrix.

The draining capillaries carry wastes to the veins. The impure blood flows through the kidney and liver where it is purified and returned to the heart. The heart pumps the blood to the arteries which circulates it throughout the body. This cycle runs continuously, 24 hours a day. Every cell in the body benefits from this cycle, including those of the nail unit. This is how the matrix is fed and cleaned. Obviously, proper circulation is a critical part of maintaining a healthy nail unit.

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